I think I have a new favorite thing to make: clay bookmarks. I really liked how my
bumble bee turned out last month, so I decided to try and make a cute little cupcake this month.
To make your own, you will need:
- Sculpey or other polymer clay in purple, pink, white, and brown
- Purple paperclip
- Long pointed metal tool or toothpick
- Small paring knife
First, and most importantly, massage your clay until it is nice and soft, then form it into a ball. This helps make it more pliable, but also prevents it from cracking in the oven!
Once the clay is soft, take your purple ball of clay and mush it down with your finger to make it cylindrical. Roll the cylinder on one side to shape it into your cupcake wrapper. Cut off the narrow end to ensure it is flat.
Use your pointed tool to create indentations up the side of the cupcake wrapper, giving it the accordion pleat texture.
It looks like a purple Reese's peanut butter cup! |
Next, take a pinch of your brown and a pinch of the white and mix them together. The goal is to create a nice, tan color. You can probably buy this shade from a package, but it's a color I just don't use enough to buy a whole brick of it.
Once you've made your tan, mush it into a dome shape and press this firmly but gently on top of the cupcake wrapper to make your cupcake top.
Then, flatten your pink ball of clay into a thick disk. Lay this on top of the cupcake to create your frosting.
Use your pointed tool to press swirls into the frosting, aiming for a peak at the top.
Finally, go back to your white clay and roll tiny little balls to create sprinkles for your cupcake.
Press your paperclip into the base of the cupcake. Then, remove the paperclip and bake the cupcake at 275 degrees for 15 minutes. Use super glue to secure the paperclip in place.
I decided on this cupcake because my birthday is coming up :)