Thursday, September 4, 2014

Teacher Feature: Lego People

It's the beginning of the school year, so even though I did a teacher feature recently showing you all my classroom, I couldn't resist doing another that showed you a piece of what we are doing in class. :)

As a way to get to know my students, I had them color in these Lego people printables.  Then, students labeled the parts of the body with what was on their mind (the head), what they loved (the heart), what their burdens are (the shoulders), what they do (the hands), where they have been and where they are going (the feet).  The plan is to revisit these Lego people throughout the year as student examine characters and their motivations.  (If you want to read more teaching ideas throughout the year, hop over to my other blog, Kvinglish)

What would you write on your Lego person?


  1. Great for students !

  2. The idea is really good and interesting. I honestly think that such methodics are working!
    Such a great post turned out, I enjoyed it very much!


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