Thursday, July 10, 2014

Mars Bar Rice Krispie Treats

During my third year of law school, I took a semester to study abroad in Ireland.  Actually, that trip was the impetus for this little blog!  While I was there, I ate my weight in chocolate.  One of my favorites was Mars Bars- the equivalent of a Milky Way here in the U.S.  Near my dorm, there was a little coffee shop that occasionally served Mars Bars Rice Krispie treats and they were heavenly!!

Well, lately I have been going through all of our things and organizing/purging as we continue our house hunt.  Among the things I stumbled upon was my journal from my Ireland trip, which reminded me of these amazing treats and got me craving them.  So, I decided to see if I could make them myself!  Turns out, it's not too hard :)

You will need:

  • 6 cups Rice Krispie cereal
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • 7 ounce package of Milky Way minis (for my European readers, cut up 7 ounces of Mars Bars)
  • 3 cups chocolate marshmallows
  • 3 cups plain mini marshmallows
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Caramel topping, to taste

Measure out your Rice Krispies and pour them into a large bowl.

In a large pot, melt the butter and the Milky Way minis over medium-low heat.

Turn the heat down to low and pour in your marshmallows (both the mini regular ones and the chocolate ones).  Stir until mostly melted.  Then, add the vanilla and stir until it is a creamy, gooey, smooth consistency.

Pour the marshmallow mixture over the Rice Krispies and stir until well mixed.  For anyone who has made Rice Krispie treats before, you'll know that "stirring" is a loose term.  It's more like sticking a sticky mass of goo to more sticky stuff until everything is pretty well stuck.

Put the whole sticky pile into a lightly greased casserole dish.  Let it rest for about 5 minutes, and then press the mixture to distribute it evenly across the pan.

Pour your caramel sauce over the top, using as much or as little as you'd like.  The more you use, the gooey your treats will be, so exercise some restraint... or not ;)

Let the treats set for about 30 minutes before cutting into them to serve.  This not only helps firm the whole mix, but it also gives the caramel time to seep into the nooks and crannies.

Easy peasy and SO tasty!


  1. OMG! I´m getting fat just by visit your blog LOL!!!
    D E L I C I O U S!!!

  2. These look delsicous!

  3. Oh my...a chocolate krispie treat sounds so good right now. Yum :)

    xo erica


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