Friday, January 31, 2014

Life Lately

1) Back to school = back to the books!
2) My new 'do made an appearance on Instagram
3) A snowy day at the dog park

I can't believe the first month of 2014 is almost over!!  This month, my classes started back up again.  I only have 8 weeks of class before I'm student teaching!  I'm so excited :)

But with these new commitments, I'm finding that I have less time to blog.  So, I've decided to cut back my blogging schedule to two weekday posts along with my Saturday Snapshot series.  Hopefully, this will give you higher quality content and give me a little extra time :)
1) Homemade snickerdoodles
2) Cookie and cocoa at Yum! Bakery
3) Cupcakes and chai at A Cupcake Social
4) Movie treats for a movie night in

Aside from the busier schedule, January was marked by lots of sweets and treats!  Also, I hit 100 likes on Facebook!  Some of you may remember my promise of a giveaway if I hit 100 likes, so stay tuned!  I'm going to put something together just for you :)

How did your first month of 2014 go?


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! (I'm thinking of going even shorter...)

  2. At least you have a schedule!! :) P.S. When are you coming back down to MO?

  3. I love the cupcake and the hair appearance =) Your "DO" is pretty great =)
